Live every moment

Today I read the blog It had pictures taken in the blogger’s day-to-day life. These ranged from sunrise to sunset to cakes, etc. Seeing this I realized it has been a long time since I saw the sunrise or sunset. On weekdays my mornings are spent in getting ready for work, on weekends I am asleep as the sun rises. Also since sunset happens daily, I seldom bother to catch it. There are many small beautiful moments in our lives which we seldom appreciate. As time passes we grow old and then one day we realize we had wasted so many amazing moments for the one moment we were chasing.

Another blog which got me thinking was where it is mentioned that one needs to take rest and do something that he/she enjoys. This just goes with the theme above, just dont keep running, take rest and then start. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Also you need to unwind yourself. There is nothing better than taking up a hobby or even going for a walk in the evening. You will be able to catch the amazing sunset. The third post that caught my attention was where the blogger went out to click the pics of the season change after a hard day’s work. On seeing the pics you would realize he was rewarded with the most beautiful scenary.

All the above just reminded me to take rest, enjoy the moment and then move ahead. As they say its the journey is more interesting than the destination. By the time, I came to the end of this blog, I remembered the last time I saw sunrise was in Kanyakumari. Below is the pic:

Sunrise near the Vivekananda rock

Sunrise near the Vivekananda rock

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