The Snow Heroes

The snow covered view from my window

It had snowed all night and when I looked out of window, everything was covered in a thick white layer of snow. It was a beautiful sight. I opened the window to feel the cold air. It was so cold that could not even stand for a minute and closed the window. I changed all plans of going out. For me it was a holiday but what about those who had work or other commitments due to which they would have to go out. My question was answered by a truck with a snow plow. It was removing snow from the roads, keeping them in usable condition. As long as it snowed, the truck kept on cleaning the roads at regular intervals.

The Snow Truck

Be it low temperature or snow storm, this truck would always be there to ensure the roads are clean. Hats off to the people driving it. They remind me of Heroes, even though they don’t have superpowers or jazzy outfits, the Snow Heroes. They make sure if need be we can always go out. In a way, they motivate us to go on, no matter how rough the situations are. Think about it, heroes are always identified by their outfits or powers in movies but in reality its the situation which brings out the Hero within us. There is a hero in all of us, it just needs the right motivation to come out. So the next time someone asks you who is favorite hero, don’t just think about the ones in movies but also those who are around you, making your life better everyday.

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